Surface Retarder Plus Range


Surface Retarder Plus (RB7.17) is a concrete surface retarder and recommended to be used on concrete with strengths between 20 and 40 MPA and on concrete under 20MPA in hot weather. When applied to the surface of freshly poured concrete it delays the normal hydration of cement for a depth of 3-6mm (and occasionally deeper), whilst the underlaying concrete hardens normally. Surface Retarder – Plus is supplied ready to use from containers without site mixing and should not be diluted.

Surface Retarder Plus Range


Surface Retarder Plus (RB7.17) is a concrete surface retarder and recommended to be used on concrete with strengths between 20 and 40 MPA and on concrete under 20MPA in hot weather. When applied to the surface of freshly poured concrete it delays the normal hydration of cement for a depth of 3-6mm (and occasionally deeper), whilst the underlaying concrete hardens normally. Surface Retarder – Plus is supplied ready to use from containers without site mixing and should not be diluted.

Surface Retarder Plus Range


Surface Retarder Plus (RB7.17) is a concrete surface retarder and recommended to be used on concrete with strengths between 20 and 40 MPA and on concrete under 20MPA in hot weather. When applied to the surface of freshly poured concrete it delays the normal hydration of cement for a depth of 3-6mm (and occasionally deeper), whilst the underlaying concrete hardens normally. Surface Retarder – Plus is supplied ready to use from containers without site mixing and should not be diluted.

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